The Chapel is a wonderfully peaceful place to be in. It is at the highest point of the hill on which the ashram is built. Life revolves around this Chapel. The sisters too come here once a month for Intercessory prayers, devotion and for a community Church service.
There is a Library, an office, rooms, a home for the senior brothers who are unable to serve as actively as they once did, and a dining room among other buildings in which their outreach work is carried out. They have their own dairy, and have cultivated a lot of their land. Every day extra food is made, just in case anyone drops in....and there are always people who drop in to receive succor from the brothers, and rest in the peace of the ashram.
I love the Chapel bell - it has the most beautiful sound as it calls everyone for prayers or for the Church service.
The grounds are kept clean.
The tree in bloom is one such - there are many all over the large compound.
In one of the houses near the ashram hospital live the two nurses who assist the resident doctor treat the village people. They have learnt not only the local language, but the local dialect as well. They have to fight against superstition and local customs in order to treat the people but they do it all cheerfully, and relentlessly and without ever giving up. These people are in one word - amazing.
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